The following iNDC activities form the core of the project implementation.

Training workshop on preparation of Biennial Update Reports for Maldives, 19- 23 February 2018, Copenhagen

A delegation of the Maldives visited UNEP DTU partnership at the UN City in Copenhagen to receive training on the preparation of Biennial Update Reports (BUR). The delegation comprised of representatives from the Climate Change Department, which prepares the Biennial Update Reports, as well as representatives from different agencies involved in the BUR process, namely the Energy Department, the Waste Management and Pollution Control and the Maldives Energy Authority.


As on February 2018, while the Maldives have submitted two National Communications, including GHG inventories, to the UNFCCC they have so far not submitted a Biennial Update Report (BUR). A Biennial Update Report, to be submitted every two years, contains updates of the national GHG inventory, information on mitigation actions as well as needs and support received. In 2012, COP 17 decided that the first BURs from non-Annex 1 Parties, consistent with their capabilities and the level of support received, are to be submitted by December 2014. Flexibility however is given to least developed countries and small island developing states such as the Maldives. So far, only two LDCs out of 50 have submitted a BUR.

The training on BUR preparation was provided by experts from UNEP DTU Partnership and covered different items of the BUR preparation process such as uncertainty analysis and the IPCC GHG inventory software. In addition, an expert on monitoring, reporting and verification from the Danish consultancy company NIRAS provided training on the BUR Process Guidance Tool.


Workshop on ' Implementing Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) – Way Forward' for Participants from Maldives and Afghanistan, 21 – 23 September 2016, UNEP DTU Partnership, Copenhagen, Denmark

During COP 21, the Parties adopted the Paris Agreement. It is the first time that Parties agreed on a universal legally binding climate instrument. Under this Agreement, all Parties have been invited to develop and implement Intended Nationally Determined Contributions/Nationally Determined Contribution in context of their national sustainable development priorities, to address climate. So far 162 Parties submitted their INDCs and 22 Parties submitted their first NDCs. Countries are now in the process of developing implementation plans. The workshop was organized under the UNEP-GEF support project for INDC.


The objective of the workshop was to:

• Increase understanding of participants of MRV System for Mitigation Contributions which includes: I.I) Identification of data sources I.II) Institutional arrangements for a MRV system I.III) Indicators for a MRV system; I.IV) Verification of data and I.V) Reporting of NDCs
• Assist participants on developing Adaptation Actions of ND through; II.I) development of indicators for adaptation actions; II.II) how the adaptation actions contribute to vulnerability reduction and evaluation of progress of the adaptation actions.
• Improve understanding of participant of Financial Resources for NDC implementation; III.I) How private sector financial resources can be utilized for NDC implementation; III.II) Potential sources for Implementation of conditional targets in the INDCs

iNDC Training workshops in Copenhagen: May 2015, and Jun-July 2015
UNEP DTU Partnership (UDP) with funding from the GEF, provided technical support to 32 developing countries, helping them with data collection, projections and analysis in preparing their INDCs.
The workshop included plenary sessions to discuss INDC concept and process, specific sessions on mitigation and adaptation, as well as presentations and exercise sessions on methodologies and tools to analyse INDC’s mitigation and adaptation elements. Read more here.

  Participants at the first INDC Training Workshop, May 19-21, 2015

Launching a global survey for countries' input on institutional arrangements for developing, implementing and tracking progress of NDCs

UNEP DTU Partnership is preparing a guidance note on institutional arrangements to support countries to strengthen their institutional arrangements for developing, implementing and tracking progress of NDCs. To incorporate experience of countries in coordination arrangements for INDC development, a survey has been lunched among 32 countries to include their input and address their barriers. If you would like to participate, please fill out the questionnaire here.
20 APRIL 2024